Coping with the loss of someone or something you love is one of life's biggest challenges.
On the one hand - grief is a normal response to a loss. At the same time, a loss can often be extremely overwhelming.
There are multiple reasons why reactions to a loss differ so much.
There are also a few common myths about grief and loss. For example, some people believe that they have to control their feelings and not express them at all (e.g. "being strong").
Other people are trying to distract themself or pretend that nothing has happened as they may believe that the pain will go away faster if they "ignore" it. Another myth is moving on with your life means forgetting about your loss. None of these ideas are accurate and true.
In fact, it would be easier to deal with the loss if you can:
Allow yourself to live through your own unique grieving process that does not have to meet any expectations (what and when you feel, how you may be able to express it, how long it will take).
Accept that grief can trigger many different and unexpected emotions, such as anger, shame, guilt, fear etc.
Acknowledge that your pain is very real, and openly ask for support (including help from friends, community, and professional support).
Contact a professional counsellor if you: - Blame yourself for the loss or for failing to prevent it. - You are unable to maintain your usual daily routines - Wish you have also died with your loved one or feel that life holds no meaning or purpose - Feel numb and disconnected for more than several weeks. - Feel more and more depressed and/or trying to dull the emotional pain with alcohol and drugs

It is important to recognize when grief has turned into something more dangerous, thus mandating immediate contact with a medical professional. If you're feeling suicidal, seek help immediately by contacting 911 or going to the emergency room.